Thursday, December 4, 2014

Interviews Dos and Dont’s

Dear All, Interviews Dos and Dont’s Do’s : Pre knowledge is must. Gather the information about the organization before hand itself Punctuality leads to success. Arrive 10-15 minutes early prior to the interview Focus on the non- verbal communication skills – eye contact, hand shakes , no giggling or frowning Be true to yourself while answering the interview panel Don’t fumble when you don’t know the answer be straightforward to answer that you have no idea Be courteous to thank the interviewer after it’s over Dont’s : Never be pessimistic towards the previous employer No ambiguity . Be specific No chewing of gums, smoking , eating, biting of nails Never raise the issues of salary packages, leaves, notice period at the time of interview Keep your phone on silent mode Don’t be rude or rowdy towards the interviewer

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