Sunday, March 21, 2010

7 Laws of the Power of Intention from - Dr.Wayne Dyer

7 Laws of the Power of Intention from - Dr.Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer's in his book, The Power of Intention gave laws that defined the powers of intention as he saw it. Here is my interpretation of these laws that Dr. Dyer outlined.

1. The first law of intention is to recognize the face of creativity. Creativity in business is really about innovation and creating something from nothing using the power of your mind. Creativity is in you, whether you believe me or not.

2. The face of kindness is next. Any great power that can bring energy and thought into physical form must come out of kindness. In business,this is manifested with the power of positive thinking and an intent to do good. The law of reciprocity can only reward kind intentions.

3. The face of love conquers all, even in business. Think of this power of intention as the face of kindness exponentiation with the emotion of love. When you intend for your clients, vendors, employees and investors to grow and couple that with a lack of judgement, hate, anger or resentment -- more of what you want or desire in the business
relationship can manifest itself without impediment.

4. The face of beauty is truth, honesty and a knowing that what "is" -- is exactly as it should be. You can use this power by re-framing any negative thoughts you have towards others and replace them with an appreciate (a thankfulness attitude) towards them.

5. The face of expansion is next. This is the law and the power of spirit to help you expand your awareness of what is possible in your business life. Be open to the "knowings" that you have always had inside you that have quietly been guiding you. Listen to them. Whatever you think about expands and it is natural to expand. To deny this truth is to deny a part of your purpose here on Earth.

6. The face of unlimited abundance is one of my favorite laws that works in the power of intention or attraction. You were probably taught all of your life about limitations and about what is "not possible." Fortunately, this came from well-meaning people who believed in limitation and not abundance. This law does not require you to be intellectually perfect in order to receive the benefits. Believing in unlimited abundance has no downside, so why not take another look at your business life after you answer this question, "What if I could have it all?"

7. Lastly, the face of receptivity. The universal laws of intention are open to everyone and without any judgement. Consider the application of this principle is really about believing in yourself and your ability to be open to unlimited possibilities. Banish your doubts. Focus only on your positive intentions towards others and yourself to tap into this energy.

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